In a deadly arena where survival is the only prize, a woman battles her way through each and every opponent.
When she discovers her next adversary is the man she loves, she faces a gut-wrenching choice: to kill him or find a way to escape together.
Includes fights, a chase sequence, trauma, and maybe also jumping off a bridge.
Directed and Produced by: Natalia Solis
Art direction: Natalia Solis
Backgrounds: Eduardo Narvaez
Storyboard/Animatic: NAtalia Solis
2d Animation: Natalia Solis and Pablo Rojas
3d Animation: Eduardo Narvaez and Carlos Fernandez
Graphic Design Assets: Eduardo Narvaez and David Cubero
Compositing: natalia SOlis
Songwritting: Tommee Profitt and John Lindahl
Vocals: John Lindahl
Music produced by: Tommee Profitt

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